About Me

Computer Science Major working with Gen AI and Full Stack Development.

  • Frontend Development
    React JS, Recoil, Tailwind CSS
  • Backend Development
    Flask(Python), Express(Node JS)
  • Database
    MySQL, MongoDB
  • Blockchain Development
    Linux, Solidity, Hardhat
  • Jupyter Notebook
    Kaggle, Google Colab
  • Deployment and Hosting
    Python Anywhere, GitHub Pages, AWS
  • Online IDEs
    Replit, Scrimba, Google IDX
  • CTO
    Blockchain Federation
  • Technical Team Member
  • Junior Researcher
    Institution's Innovation Council - IEM
  • Student Partner
  • 2026
    B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering
    Institute of Engineering and Management
    8.88 (1st Year)
  • 2022
    AISSCE CLASS 12 (Science)
    Bhavan's Gangabux Kanoria Vidyamandir
  • 2020
    Bhavan's Gangabux Kanoria Vidyamandir

My Services

Full Stack Dev

I specialize in offering professional full stack development services. My portfolio highlights impactful projects like the Secret Confessions website and the innovative Blockchain Bricks real estate platform. By harmonizing creativity and technical expertise, I create seamless, user-centric experiences that leave a lasting mark.

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Generative AI

I specialize in Generative AI, creating advanced solutions such as lawyer GPT, stable diffusion models, text generation, AI chatbots, model fine-tuning, freelancing, Lora training, and PDF interactions. Blending creativity and technical expertise, I craft intelligent systems that enhance user experiences and push boundaries.

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Cloud Notebooks

Proficient in Cloud Notebooks (Kaggle, Colab, Linux, GitHub), I optimize collaboration, streamline development, and ensure efficient teamwork. Leveraging these platforms, I contribute to project success through enhanced sharing, real-time co-working, versatile software development, and organized code management.

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My Work

Lawyer GPT

Explore LawyerGPT, my pioneering project at the intersection of law and technology. Leveraging the power of AI, LawyerGPT simplifies contract drafting and empowers legal research. Seamlessly generate precise contracts and access essential legal insights, streamlining workflows and ensuring accuracy. This project embodies my commitment to innovation and the enhancement of legal services through cutting-edge technology. LawyerGPT reflects my dedication to merging legal expertise with AI-driven solutions, paving the way for more efficient, client-centric legal practice.

Secret Confessions Page

Welcome to Secret Confessions, a discreet haven where you can openly share your thoughts, experiences, and desires without judgment. This platform offers a secure, judgment-free environment to connect with others who understand. Share your confessions, knowing your identity remains protected. Embrace the liberation of genuine expression and connect with a community that values your anonymity. Your secrets are safe here, fostering a genuine connection through the art of confidential sharing.

Vehicle Counter

Experience the Arduino-powered Vehicle Counter, a smart solution for efficient traffic monitoring. This innovative device utilizes an infrared sensor to detect passing vehicles, accurately counting and displaying the count on an LCD screen. Seamlessly programmed, this project showcases the fusion of hardware and software, enabling real-time tracking and analysis. From traffic management to data-driven insights, this Vehicle Counter exemplifies the potential of Arduino technology in simplifying and enhancing everyday tasks

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